
Bluefield Wins 45MW Shropshire Solar Consent

The project near Ludlow was scaled back to avoid using agricultural land.

            Bluefield Renewable Developments has received planning approval for a 45MW solar farm near Ludlow in Shropshire. Development of the Brick House Farm project in Greete shall commence within three years, according to a Shropshire council planning committee. The approval was granted subject to the company redesigning the project to ensure it was not built on best and most versatile agricultural land (B&MV).

            After full technical and design review, Bluefield removed proposed solar modules from four parcels of BMV land totalling 15.4 acres, leaving 6.06 acres of Grade 3a land being required for solar due to remaining engineering and design constraints. The redesign means that 95% of the solar farm is now on grade 3b land, which is not BMV. Of the remaining BMV land, 15.4 acres are allocated as ‘Food Opportunity Areas’ with the remaining six acres allocated as Additional Biodiversity Enhancement Areas. The amendments resulted in a loss of 5MW of the solar farm’s capacity, down to the current 45MW.




Credits:[Image: Pixabay]

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