
Falck, BlueFloat Sign Up For Italian Job


               Italian steel maker Acciaierie d’Italia has signed a letter of intent with Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy for a strategic collaboration linked to the development of renewable energy projects. The trio also set up a technical table will focus on four potential development paths. Under this the Taranto-based company will supply steel and other materials for the construction of floating marine platforms (pictured) for the offshore wind farms developed by the joint partnership between Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy. In turn, these plants will offer Acciaierie d’Italia the supply of renewable energy and green hydrogen. Furthermore, Falck Renewables will support Acciaierie d’Italia in the construction of photovoltaic systems on land and buildings available to the company inside and outside the plant for the production of renewable electricity.

               Then, the companies are willing to set up a consortium involving specialised companies, polytechnics and research centres to promote the greatest possible use of renewable energies for energy-intensive companies and for the technological development of an industrial supply chain for the production of components for marine wind technology in Apulia. The agreement is part of the strategic partnerships established by Acciaierie d’Italia with large companies of excellence to carry out the energy and environmental transition of the Taranto plant.








Credits: [Image: BlueFloat Energy ]


Acciona Energía Powers Up 125MWp Spanish Solar Site


                 Acciona Energía has commissioned the 125MWp Extremadura I, II and III photovoltaic complex in Almendralejo (Badajoz), the company’s largest solar plant in Spain. Extremadura I, II and III consists of more than 230,000 photovoltaic modules that will generate 257GWh of clean electricity annually, equivalent to the consumption of about 65,000 homes, which will avoid the emission of about 112,000 tons of CO2 per year. The total investment of the project exceeds €80m. In collaboration with the City Council of Almendralejo and AlmaNatura, the company has implemented the ‘Colabora Almendralejo’ project, as part of its Social Impact Management (GIS) program associated with the project. The initiative arises after a social impact study and an open dialogue with all the interest groups identified in the area with the aim of connecting unemployed young people and companies to work together and promote the sustainability and employability of the municipality. A total of 25 young people will receive free training in various areas such as sustainability, innovation and the identification of socio-environmental challenges.

                 In addition, ten companies will participate in follow-up sessions to identify their main spaces for improvement and challenges in terms of sustainability. With the knowledge acquired, young people and companies will work together in a series of co-creation workshops to develop solutions that promote the sustainability of companies and help them overcome the challenges identified. The construction works of Extremadura I, II and III have brought to light a series of very relevant archaeological remains, among which a set of Chalcolithic settlements of more than 5,000 years ago stands out. The company has worked hand in hand with archaeologists, specialists in heritage conservation and the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Junta de Extremadura to locate, demarcate and safeguard the 11 sites found that represent 30 hectares of archaeological protection. Acciona Energía has been adapting the design and configuration of its photovoltaic project to ensure the protection and preservation of the vestiges that have been delimited. The company will undertake and fully finance the excavation of these deposits. 






Credits: [Image: Acciona Energia ]









EDF Renewables Picks Up NatWest PPA


               EDF Renewables UK has signed a CPPA with NatWest for almost 50MW of energy from Porth Wen Solar Farm in Anglesey, North Wales. Power balancing and shaping services will be provided by EDF Business Solutions. Construction is already underway and will be completed in 2023. EDF Renewables UK said that over 60% of the workforce during the enabling and civil works have been local (based less than one hour from the project) and once complete, the 190-acre site will be able to be used for sheep grazing. The team will also enhance biodiversity on site with a mile-long wildlife corridor and hedgerow, wildflower and woodland planting. Chief executive of EDF Renewables UK Matthieu Hue said: “We are delighted to be working with NatWest.

               “This project demonstrates our ability to develop solar in the UK through innovative routes to market, to provide solutions for our customers in terms of low cost renewable energy while helping to de-carbonise the UK electricity system.” James Close, director of climate change at NatWest Group said: “We are pleased to be working with EDF Renewables UK to deliver the Porth Wen Solar Farm.  “When it is completed later this year, it will supply the grid with renewable electricity equivalent to the usage of 9,500 average UK homes. “As well as producing low carbon electricity, the solar farm project will also enhance local biodiversity and nature in Anglesey.”






Credits: [Image: EDF Renewables]


Cepsa Plans 400MW Spanish Solar Build


               Spanish oil and gas firm Cepsa will add three new solar projects in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain with a combined capacity of 400MW. The company will develop the plants in the towns of Campo de Criptana and Arenales de San Gregorio (Ciudad Real), with an investment of more than €280m and their construction will start at the beginning of 2025. Once in operation, these projects will produce an estimated annual energy output of 840GWh, which is equivalent to nearly one third of the domestic consumption of Castilla-La Mancha. Within the framework of these developments, the town councils of Arenales de San Gregorio and Campo de Criptana have signed agreements with Cepsa to join the “Sumamos Energías” programme, which promotes the local economy and environment. 

               Cepsa head of development of photovoltaic projects Geronimo de Angulo said: “Castilla-La Mancha is a strategic community for the development of Cepsa’s renewable energy portfolio, which will allow us to drive our Positive Motionstrategy. “We are going to advance in the decarbonization of our activity, while generating a positive impact on the environment, based on the DNA that characterizes us: creation of shared value, listening to the public and establishing long-term relationships based on trust.” Cepsa has committed to developing nine projects in this area, with a total capacity of 1200MW, generating more than 2,100 jobs during their construction, with a total investment of more than €840m.






Credits: [Image: Asia Chang/Unsplash ]


Hitachi Energy To Develop Solar Projects With Sun Africa


               Hitachi Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding with Sun Africa and its sister company, UGT Renewables to collaborate on utility-scale solar photovoltaic power generation projects. In the non-exclusive memorandum, both parties agree to collaborate at an early stage of prospective projects. They will jointly engage with local and international stakeholders, and provide optimised best-in-class and well-integrated solar power solutions that will enable developing nations to take significant steps toward broad and environmentally sustainable electrification. The partners are currently completing their first project together: a 370MW solar photovoltaic power plant across seven sites in Angola.

               They also have several utility-scale projects under negotiation, totalling more than 12GW in capacity, with various governments in Africa and Eurasia. “We are delighted to be working with Sun Africa and UGT Renewables to bring utility-scale emission-free energy projects to a growing number of countries in the world,” says Johan Soderstrom, Executive Vice President, Head of Regions, Europe, Middle East and Africa of Hitachi Energy. “The combination of their business model and our solutions help countries develop their economies, progress toward net zero, and provide their people with access to clean and reliable electricity.” Adam Cortese, CEO of Sun Africa and UGT Renewables, added: “Our first collaboration with Hitachi Energy in Angola was a huge success, both for ourselves and the Government of Angola on behalf of whom we developed the project. “We have developed a relationship of trust with Hitachi Energy and an efficient and effective way of working that benefits all the stakeholders with whom we work.”






Credits: [Image: Pixabay]


US Solar To Account For Bulk Of New Generation Capacity


               Solar will account for nearly two thirds of “high probability” additions to utility scale power generation capacity in the US over the next three years. The forecast is based on SUN DAY Campaign’s review of data released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  In the latest issue of FERC’s monthly Energy Infrastructure Update, “high probability” additions by solar between December 2022 and November 2025 will total 72,809MW. FERC foresees no solar capacity retirements during that time. Such growth would nearly double solar’s share of total available installed generating capacity, increasing it from 78,880MW to 151,690MW (excluding small-scale, distributed solar capacity). In addition, FERC expects wind generating capacity to grow by 16,955MW, with just 140MW of retirements. Hydropower is also expected to increase by 819MW with 46MW of retirements. While FERC projects 17,260MW of “high probability” additions by natural gas, that capacity would be almost entirely offset by 16,954MW of retirements. Similarly, an expected increase of 2200MW in new nuclear capacity would be completely negated by 2323MW in retirements. FERC foresees no new coal capacity over the next three years but does anticipate 17,385MW of retirements as well as a net decrease of 1677MW in oil generating capacity. Between “high probability” additions and retirements among all energy sources, FERC projects a net increase of 71,391MW in installed US generating capacity.

               In effect, new solar would account for the overall net increase in the nation’s total capacity while new wind capacity would roughly displace the net decreases in fossil fuel and nuclear capacity, said SUN Day Campaign. If FERC’s data become reality, by November 2025, solar and wind will have nearly equal shares of US electricity generating capacity, of 11.41% and 12.02% respectively. The combination of all renewables (including hydropower, biomass, and geothermal) will account for almost one third (32.54%) of US generating capacity, up from 27.19% today. Meanwhile, natural gas’ share will drop from 44.15% to 41.80% while coal will fall from 17.34% to 15.10% and nuclear from 8.14% to 7.69%. Contributions by oil and biomass would also fall. Beyond “high probability” additions, FERC also provides data on “all additions” for each energy source that may be in the three-year pipeline. Solar dominates with 201,637MW, followed by 67,950MW for wind, while hydropower accounts for another 12,400MW. By comparison, natural gas has only 33,547MW. “The combined generating capacity of solar and wind is now greater than either coal or nuclear power,” said SUN DAY Campaign executive director Ken Bossong.  “Moreover, if the current trajectory persists or accelerates, generating capacity by the mix of all renewables should overtake that of natural gas before 2030 and possibly much sooner.”






Credits: [Image: Unsplash/Antonio Garcia]


Lightsource BP Offloads 247MW Spanish Solar


               Lightsource BP has agreed the sale of a 247MW cluster of solar projects in Spain to independent renewable energy investor Plenium Partners and Bankinter Investment. The asset comprises five solar installations in Aragón and has been in operation since 2021. Plenium has closed the transaction together with Bankinter Investment, the investment banking subsidiary of Bankinter, the fourth largest Spanish bank by stock market value.  The value of the transaction has not been disclosed. Plenium and Bankinter have completed the purchase of the portfolio through various alternative-investment vehicles participated by Bankinter’s private banking and institutional clients.

               Kareen Boutonnat, CEO for EMEA and APAC at Lightsource BP, said: “Transactions like these demonstrate our strong credentials in delivering quality constructed and operational assets as a trusted partner, supporting the renewable ambitions of Plenium Partners and Bankinter Investment. “In Spain, Lightsource BP continues to move at pace to further progress our gigawatt-scale project development portfolio and the growth of solar required to deliver on national targets.” EY was appointed as financial advisor and Uría Menéndez as legal advisor by Lightsource BP for the deal. Gómez-Acebo & Pombo was appointed as Plenium and Bankinter’s legal advisor. Over the last four years Lightsource BP has grown its business in Spain, reaching over 130 team members last year with a development pipeline of over 4GW.






Credits: [Image: Lightsource BP ]


Welsh Solar Farm Wins Planning Approval


               Welsh ministers have given the go ahead for a 32MW solar project near Abergavenny, Wales. Renewable Connection submitted a formal application to Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) for Penpergwm Solar Farm in late 2021. The application was formally accepted on 7 February 2022, following extensive engagement, consultation and design improvements. Hearings with the Planning Inspectorate took place in August 2022, following which a final report, including a recommendation, was prepared by a Welsh Planning Inspector and sent to ministers for consideration. Welsh ministers approved the application on 17 January 2023. Construction of the solar farm is anticipated to begin in 2024. Renewable Connections has also received consent for a further project, Tregonning Solar Farm in Cornwall. The two latest consents bring Renewable Connections approved project portfolio to well over half a gigawatt. John Leith, Development Director at Renewable Connections, said: “We are exceptionally pleased with this outcome, and very proud of our development team and the way it managed the iterative design process, ultimately achieving the right decision. Penpergwm Solar Farm will significantly support the Welsh Government’s decarbonisation and climate resilience targets.

               Leith said the solar farm will also “operate in synergy” with the existing agricultural business, enabling sheep grazing to continue within the proposed development area, while allowing the farming enterprise to remain financially viable. In addition to biodiversity improvements at the site, the project also has a community benefit fund that will support local good causes and initiatives. The solar farm’s facility, approximately 4km south-east of Abergavenny, was identified following an extensive site selection process across the region. Biodiversity measures proposed for the development include the planting of new and reinforcement of existing hedgerows to promote species diversity and green corridors. Bat and bird boxes will also be installed along with the creation of bee banks, badger gates, dormice nests, reptile hibernacula and invertebrate hotels. Existing footpaths will be improved and new safeguarded routes for 40 years will be created alongside the planting of a community orchard and extensive wildflower meadows.





Credits:[Image: Renewable Connections]


Cubico Swoops On 1GW Brazil Solar


               Cubico Sustainable Investments has entered into an agreement with ZEG Energias Renováveis (ZEG) to acquire a 1GW solar project under development in Brazil. The transaction comprises a large solar complex, called Project Sobral, located in the municipalities of Sobral and Santana do Acaraú in the state of Ceará. Cubico and ZEG will co-develop Project Sobral, including the negotiation of supply contracts and offtake agreements with third parties. Francisco Moya, Country Head of Brazil and Rest of Latam at Cubico, said: “This important acquisition consolidates our presence in Latin America and marks the start of our new renewables platform in Brazil after recent strategic divestments in the country. “It’s also our first investment in solar assets in Brazil and we will be actively looking to grow the portfolio through the acquisition and development of other PV and onshore wind projects.” The conclusion of the deal remains subject to the fulfilment of conditions agreed within the scope of the acquisition, which include, but are not limited to, approval by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense.







Credits: [Image: Cubico]


Tregonning Solar Farm Receives Approval


               Renewable Connections has had its plan to build the 50MW Tregonning solar farm in England approved. Cornwall Council’s Strategic Planning Committee received the plan for the 49.9MW project in January 2022, following a community consultation.  The solar farm, based near Quintrell Downs, Cornwall, was approved by elected members on 16 January following a recommendation for approval by council officers. The project will displace over 1.1m tonnes of CO2 over its lifespan. In addition, the implementation of a Green Infrastructure Plan will significantly enhance environment and wildlife, including a significant biodiversity net gain of 80.25% for habitat units and 42.34% in hedgerow units.

               The scheme will cover 89 hectares of land and construction of the solar farm will involve the installation of photovoltaic panels, which convert sunlight directly into renewable electricity. The company anticipates that construction could commence in 2024.  John Leith, Development Director at Renewable Connections said: “Tregonning Solar Farm will make a valuable contribution towards Cornwall and the UK’s ambitious climate change targets.  “We are very proud of the site and the use of exceptional design to integrate significant ecological enhancements, renewable generation, and agricultural productivity. The feedback from council officers, statutory consultees and local people throughout the submission process, and the support of the landowner, have been invaluable.  He added: “We are very pleased that further to the environmental and biodiversity benefits of the proposal, the land will remain in agricultural use with a grazing license existing on the site for sheep in panel areas.  There will also be cereal cropping on approximately 25 hectares of the site, enabling the continued production of food, and support for ground nesting birds such as skylarks.”





Credits: [Image: Renewable Connections ]