GreenGo Development Pipeline Exceeds 1.5GW


               Italian developer GreenGo has 1630MW of renewables capacity in development, spanning seven different Italian regions, from Sicily to Veneto. Southern Italy is the leading territory for the company’s activities, with Sicily in the lead, followed by Puglia and Calabria. The most recent development projects in the first four months are in central and northern Italy and comprise 12 projects, totalling 127MW. Out of the 1.6GW, 1GW of capacity is underdoing permitting and authorisation.

               “Compared to the 1000MW with ongoing permitting, there are 12 projects that have positively passed the EIA for a total of 423MW and, of these, 162 have already been dismissed with the concluding Sole Authorization or PAUR permit,” said Fabio Amico, Director of Development and Engineering at GreenGo. He added: “More than half of the MW of this first milestone comes from the agri-photovoltaic sector (57%). “The advanced pipeline also underscores our multi-tech approach. We have submitted projects for wind (27%), storage (12%) and ground-mounted photovoltaic (4%) plants.” Giuseppe Mastropieri, CEO of GreenGo, added: “The success rate of GreenGo’s projects, in terms of actual installable power, is 91%, calculated on the 474MW that passed the Environmental Impact Assessment, a rate that makes GreenGo one of the most reliable developers in the renewables sector.”






Credits: [Image: GreenGo]

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