
Eurowind Races Ahead With 1GW In New Renewable Energy Permits

Eurowind Energy Charges Ahead with Nearly 1GW of New Renewable Permits Across Europe 

Eurowind Energy is making significant strides in the renewable energy sector, securing permits for nearly 1GW of new projects across Europe in the 2023/24 fiscal year. This ambitious expansion includes 29 new energy projects, with a mix of solar and wind installations that are already moving into the construction phase. “I am pleased that Eurowind Energy is able to maintain its ambitions for growth in a market characterized by strong competition,” said Jens Rasmussen, CEO of Eurowind Energy. “Our profound market and industry knowledge enable us to identify projects with the greatest potential, both in terms of output and economy.”

This dynamic portfolio features 19 solar parks and 10 wind parks, including a massive 237MW solar park currently under construction in Bulgaria. The projects are strategically spread across Europe, with 11 located in Poland, five in Germany, three in Romania, and two in Slovakia. In Denmark, Eurowind’s home base, the company has obtained permits for two significant projects: Ulkær Mose, featuring 11 wind turbines, and Handest Hede, where existing wind turbines will be supplemented with solar cells to create a cutting-edge hybrid park. These new permits not only underscore Eurowind’s commitment to leading the green transition but also highlight the company’s ability to navigate a competitive market landscape by leveraging its deep industry expertise. As Eurowind continues to expand its renewable energy footprint, it remains at the forefront of Europe’s drive towards a more sustainable energy future. #EurowindEnergy #RenewableEnergy #SolarPower #WindEnergy #GreenGrowth #Sustainability #CleanEnergy #Europe #EnergyTransition #HybridParks

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